Over 50 members were present at a club meeting on 18th March to receive an update on all the club's activities and join in a discussion on the way forward for the club.
Dan Orwin gave an excellent update on first team rugby. He was, however, clearly as frustrated as the members with the way that recent performances had gone on the pitch. He was very upbeat about the future and although relegation is an issue he felt that the club would stay in National 2 North.
Richie Sands spoke in detail about issues facing the social rugby teams. He had undertaken a survey of players to ascertain why the club was struggling to put out three or four teams each week. It was clear that there are a number of issues but Richie was very positive about an action plan that could be implemented to take us forward.
Hugh Duckworth updated the club on the fabulous mini junior section with playing numbers approaching 500 each Sunday. It was good to hear that there is a thriving colt section which should auger well for those players transferring into the senior club.
Zoe Wright updated members on women's rugby where the RFU decision to place them in a Yorkshire league has left them with a lot of travelling. However she was looking forward to the women's World Cup and confirmed that a 10s festival would be held on the August bank holiday weekend prior to the World Cup and that she was looking for sponsorship to run it. If you can help, contact Zoe.
Representatives from the shooting and archery sections were present and both gave informative updates on the success of those sections. The club is lucky to have such a diverse range of sports taking place.
John Chesworth then updated members on an upcoming special general meeting of the RFU where clubs were to vote on the future of the RFU chief executive, Bill Sweeney, together with a resolution regarding the future governance of the RFU. Members joined in a discussion as to the way forward and John confirmed the management committee would vote along the lines that the members had discussed.
The meeting moved onto financial issues and the treasurer, Chris Dew, updated members on the current situation where costs were too high and there was not enough revenue to cover it. Some hard decisions would be required to move the club forward and get it into a stable position. It was suggested that one way of reducing costs would be to ask for more volunteers to help in all areas of the club and reduce the requirement for paid staff. The first opportunity in that respect will be the appointment of a bar chair and this will be advertised shortly.
Members joined in a discussion about how things could move forward and a good discussion followed with examples given on some areas that could be improved, for example simple advertising sheets for future sponsorships.